Five Ways to Double Your SAP Functionality Value

862 results

  1. Five Ways to Double Your SAP Functionality Value

    Reading time: 15 mins

    There may be something preventing your SAP teams from reaching their full potential. In this article, the author offers his unique perspective on what has led SAP teams, in his experience, to achieve more actionable ideas. In order to improve your business results over time, he suggests that companies make five changes to the way…

  2. Moving Average Price: Learn How It Functions in Project Stock and Figure Out How to Explain the Unexplainable

    A lot can go wrong if you don’t understand moving average price. Sort out the complexities that arise when material movements, invoices, reversals, and purchase order history interact with moving average price. Understand both the cause and the cure for the frustration and confusion. Key Concept Materials that are entered into an SAP system as...…

  3. Meet Demand-Driven Scheduling Requirements with SAP ERP and SAP APO: Q&A on When to Use Which for Enhanced Supply and Production Planning

    SAP ERP and the production planning and detailed scheduling (PP/DS) and supply network planning (SNP) components of SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) offer functionality that can be utilized in a variety of design options to optimize production plans and provide greater visibility into your inventory management, but when do you use which? Especially...…

  4. Improve SAP NetWeaver PI Value Mapping Performance in a High-Volume Situation

    Value mapping in SAP NetWeaver Process Integration can take up a lot of processing time and lead to poor performance. Learn how memory is consumed in high-volume scenarios with a large number of value mapping groups, which key factors affect performance, and what to do to achieve the best performance when using value mapping functionality....…

  5. How to Configure and Test Flexible Planning to Improve Performance and Increase Profits

    A good conceptual understanding of the Flexible Planning component of SAP Sales and Operations Planning (SAP SOP) helps reduce the number of cyclic iterations in Information Structure configurations and test its impact on the planning type before choosing the final design. Learn the necessary steps to configure Flexible Planning in your SAP system, including configuring...…

  6. SAP and SuccessFactors – An Overview

    In this exclusive in-depth report, learn about SuccessFactors and what the acquisition means for SAP ERP HCM and your business. Get a detailed, comprehensive overview of SuccessFactors, SAP’s strategy, the future of SAP ERP HCM, and how the acquisition of SuccessFactors affects your business. It aims to dispel any myths or confusion around SuccessFactors and...…

  7. Control Disaggregation Using a Proportional Factor for Consistent Planning in SAP APO

    Learn the configuration, use, and importance of proportional factors. See how they can be used to control the disaggregation of values in SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SAP APO) Demand Planning (DP). Follow a step-by-step procedure to configure and run the associated master data objects, run simulations, and interpret the results. Key Concept Demand Planning...…

  8. The Office Document Toolbox for Creating RTF Documents and Spreadsheet Files Using ABAP: Part 2 — Reading and Writing Excel Documents

    As an alternative to using the COM interface (which can be cumbersome) for creating Microsoft Word and Excel files in ABAP, you can use the Office Document Toolbox, an open-source solution, to create word processing documents in Rich Text Format (RTF) and spreadsheets in Excel XLS format. Learn how to read and write Excel files...…

  9. An Introduction to SAP Predictive Analytics 2.0 and SAP HANA Predictive Tools

    In this exclusive report by Hillary Bliss, take a walk into the world of the SAP suite of predictive tools with an in-depth tour of the new SAP Predictive Analytics 2.0 and how it ties into SAP HANA and SAP Lumira. Learn the importance of general predictive modeling concepts, and then apply those concepts as...…

  10. Project System Achieves Faster Closes When Using the Engineer-to-Order Process

    The Project System (PS) module has a functionality called project-related incoming orders that allows you to report on incoming order values for an engineer-to-order process. The PS module can calculate order book and backlog values throughout the project life cycle. It allows you to avoid negative backlog and remaining backlog on closed projects. Three examples...…