Streamlining Financial Planning with Web-based Solutions from Phocas

491 results

  1. The Office Document Toolbox for Creating RTF Documents and Spreadsheet Files Using ABAP: Part 2 — Reading and Writing Excel Documents

    As an alternative to using the COM interface (which can be cumbersome) for creating Microsoft Word and Excel files in ABAP, you can use the Office Document Toolbox, an open-source solution, to create word processing documents in Rich Text Format (RTF) and spreadsheets in Excel XLS format. Learn how to read and write Excel files...…

  2. Link SAP Payslips to Your Excel Payroll Reports

    When you are viewing SAP payroll reports, they often make more sense when viewed side-by-side with employees’ payslips. This adds context and makes payroll reports much easier to understand. Learn a simple way to link payroll reports to employee payslips with short macros in Excel using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). No ABAP code is...…

  3. Enhance a UI Pattern to Take Advantage of the New Excel Web Printing Functionality

    You now can enhance your user interface (UI) pattern to enable you to print your reports in Microsoft Excel using default print parameters. This solution permits users to specify their default print settings using the BI template wizard. When the Web template is generated, a button is added to the template and the default print...…

  4. Prevent Errors by Using Excel-Based Planning in CO

    Eliminate the manual entry step from the planning process in the SAP Controlling module by implementing a direct upload of your data using Microsoft Excel. This method prevents the errors that can occur when planning data is keyed into your SAP system manually. Key Concept You need to maintain planning data for cost objects in...…

  5. Create and Store Custom Excel Templates for Your SAP ERP HCM Reports

    Reading time: 14 mins

    ManagementMicrosoft Excel templates can be stored within your SAP system and assigned to reports and queries as part of the normal process of saving a variant. The standard SAP ERP HCM system already includes a document repository area called the Business Document Service (BDS). Custom Excel templates can easily be stored in the BDS using...…

  6. SAP NetWeaver BW and Xcelsius: Excel 2007 PivotTables Provide Enhanced Interactive Reporting and Analytics Options

    See how you can use Microsoft Excel 2007 PivotTables with SAP NetWeaver BW and Xcelsius to create a low-cost but highly functional reporting and analytics system. Learn how Xcelsius uses Excel 2007 as its data binding source for dynamic dashboards and data visualizations. Key Concept Microsoft completely redesigned Excel 2007 to be the company’s primary...…

  7. How to Update Existing Excel Documents with SAP NetWeaver BW Report Data

    Discover the benefits of using Microsoft Excel for SAP NetWeaver BW data. See how to populate existing Excel documents with fresh data from SAP NetWeaver BW. Key Concept You can reuse existing technologies such as multi-dimensional expressions (MDX), Apache POI library, SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo), and ABAP. You can combine those technologies to make...…

  8. SAP EPM 10.0 Add-In: Not Just Your Basic Excel Spreadsheet Any More

    Reading time: 19 mins

    See the added functionality that comes with the SAP Enterprise Performance Management 10.0 Add-In for Excel. Learn how you can use the Add-In to enhance your SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP BusinessObjects BI reports. Key Concept You can find enhanced reporting capabilities within the new functionality and features in the SAP Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)...…

  9. SAP S/4HANA Primer: How to Visualize Live Manufacturing Reports in Excel

    Learn how to use the SAP BusinessObjects Analysis integration with SAP S/4HANA to see manufacturing reports directly in Microsoft Excel. Key Concept SAP BusinessObjects Analysis consists of three plug-ins for Microsoft Excel: Analysis, Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), and Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC). It works with PowerPoint and Excel in Microsoft Office 2016 (as of...…

  10. BW for Beginners: Teach Users InfoCube Basics with Excel and Better Reports Are Sure to Follow

    Reading time: 14 mins

    This simple exercise is a friendly introduction to the confusing terminology of InfoCube, InfoObject, Dimension, and Attribute. Experienced BW professionals will find this article useful because it shows them a non-technical way they can teach the process to others in their company.   The InfoCube is one of the most important BW elements used for...…