How SAP Users Can Utilize Third-Party Cloud Services to Achieve Systemic Resilience

897 results

  1. Explore Cloud Services for Application Testing While Controlling Risks through Governance

    Service rentals, faster service, low operational costs, and lower energy costs are some of the reasons for the increasing popularity of cloud services for application testing. Testing procedures, economies of scale, service governance, and jurisdictional issues are the criteria in selecting a cloud service. To protect test plans and tools against unauthorized access, risks are...…

  2. Intelligent Supply Chain Management with SAP Cloud Platform

    Learn how to optimize your supply chain management process using cloud services from SAP Cloud Platform. The scenario used in this article identifies the inconsistent data readings at run time and forecasts failures. It also describes how SAP Cloud Platform proactively generates a purchase order if required. With the help of SAP Cloud Platform, you...…

  3. Get Started with Cloud Computing and SAP Today

    Thinking about cloud computing? Not sure how to get started? Discover the different types of cloud computing models with a focus on Infrastructure as a Service. Included are immediate SAP use cases for applying cloud technology, SAP-specific challenges and support considerations, and guidelines for building your own hybrid cloud. Key Concept Infrastructure as a Service...…

  4. The Move to SAP S/4HANA Is On: Simplify Your Migration with the Right Cloud Services

    To meet the challenges and opportunities presented by the transforming pace of business, many organizations are realizing the necessity of a unified infrastructure that provides the speed, scalability, and agility that can turn insights into action. In SAP environments, this often means running the in-memory SAP S/4HANA database. But making the migration to SAP HANA…

  5. a photograph of two skyscrapers disappearing in the cloudy sky - cloud concept

    How SAP Users Can Utilize Third-Party Cloud Services to Achieve Systemic Resilience

    Reading time: 2 mins

    The cloud can optimize most businesses’ functions. But to reach its full potential, companies may seek advice from third-party specialists.

  6. What You Need to Know About Cloud Security for SAP Solutions

    Live Blog What You Need to Know About Cloud Security for SAP Solutions   SAPinsiderMatt: Welcome to today’s Q&A on cloud security for SAP solutions. I am pleased to be joined by cloud security experts from IBM. Please give Madhuri Chawla, Tony Petta, Mark McNair, and Michael P Daniels a warm welcome! There are already...…

  7. Empower your Cloud Adoption with the Right Consulting Services

    Modern businesses understand that the cloud holds the key to the future. 5G, artificial intelligence, automation, and ecosystem-based applications offer much-needed flexibility, require low latency, and boost efficiency. Achieving all this in a minimal time frame may seem far-fetched, but not if businesses leverage the power of cloud consulting. When they utilize these services to…

  8. Running SAP on the IBM BlueMix Infrastructure Platform: Live Q&A on IaaS Deployment Options

    IBM offers SAP certified cloud infrastructure available in multiple locations globally with a choice for clients to choose a self service / IaaS model or fully managed by IBM on the BlueMix platform. IBM’s bare metal servers on BlueMix provide the best performance for SAP and HANA applications while allowing the capability to leverage Watson...…

  9. ABAP Development in the Cloud

    Thank you for registering to read the discussion transcript on taking advantage of the newest ABAP innovations, enterprise-grade SAP Cloud Platform business and application services, and the power of the SAP HANA business data platform to build breakthrough business applications in the cloud. Please find the transcript below. Matthew Shea: Hello, and welcome to our...…

  10. Meet the Intelligent ERP: Live Q&A with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Executives on Continuous Innovation, Intelligent Use Cases & Customer Success

    As more businesses than ever discover the benefits of the cloud, SAP delivers with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, a cloud ERP that combines unique industry expertise with unmatched technological innovation. Thanks to its cloud deployment, your organization can be up and running within a matter of weeks – and keep the pace moving forward. Built around...…