Tackling Challenges of Month-end Close by Utilizing Business Planning and Analytics Platforms

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  1. a photograph of two people standing over pieces of paper with data and graphs, month-end close

    Tackling Challenges of Month-end Close by Utilizing Business Planning and Analytics Platforms

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Many organizations realize that the traditional methods of month-end close are no longer sustainable, and choose BP&A platforms instead.

  2. Hyperscalers Focus on Supply Chain Platforms

    Supply chain planning solutions space has been a crowded and competitive segment for decades. As technology capabilities progress, we see more and more entrants in the segment, trying to compete with established players. However, a key fact of this space is that while bells and whistles may differ, the core features and functionalities remain the…

  3. How to Select the Right Mobile Solution Architecture for Your Use Case

    Understand the main mobility architecture paradigms currently supported by the Sybase Unwired Platform, and the advantages and drawbacks of each. Get a high-level view of the architecture and basic steps for implementing each. Key Concept A mobile business object is a method of encapsulating business data so that it can be used across multiple kinds...…

  4. Thames Water: Platform Approach Ensures Innovation Flows

    As the supplier of 2.6 billion liters of water per day to the United Kingdom’s capital and the counties that surround London, Thames Water not only has to sate the thirst of one of Europe’s largest conurbations; the business is also dealing with the challenges of water scarcity. With major population growth and now climate…

  5. How Business Leaders are Scaling Platforms and Innovation

    How Business Leaders are Scaling Platforms and Innovation Businesses today are driven to innovate by the pressure to achieve real-time analysis and insights. In response to dynamic requirements from customers and a desire to be agile and future-ready, they are moving to the cloud, to software-as-a-service environments, and adopting new technologies such as SAP S/4HANA.…

  6. APIs for Finance: Transforming Cash, Liquidity and Payments

    APIs offer a lifeline for CFOs and treasurers who are looking for both innovation and cost improvements. Although many CFOs think of APIs for finance as an expedited pathway for bank connectivity, bank connections are just the tip of the iceberg.

  7. Data Protection Options for SAP Systems

    SAP Professional JournalIn recent years there have been a lot of advancements in data protection technologies and tools. When you are designing a data protection solution for an SAP environment to support business continuity, it is important to understand these new technologies and tools as well as their integration points. Key Concept A data protection...…

  8. Mobile Device Management with Sybase Afaria

    /MobileWith the rise of mobile devices in business comes the responsibility of device management, allowing the cohabitation of personal and corporate data while still maintaining enterprise-level security. Find out how to manage mobile devices with Sybase Afaria. Learn about its architecture. Follow steps to install, configure, and apply initial security policies to this application. Key...…

  9. Innovating SAP-Centric Business Process and Platforms: Lessons from CIOs and Tech Leaders

    Our most recent SAPinsider executive research found that business process automation and innovation were among the key drivers of transformation projects over the past year. Also, many tech leaders want to solidify the platforms that will support this innovation and their future. The hyperscalers have certainly taken center stage, but a rising option falls within…

  10. Innovating SAP-Centric Business Process and Platforms: Lessons from CIOs and Tech Leaders

    Our most recent SAPinsider executive research found that business process automation and innovation were among the key drivers of transformation projects over the past year. Also, many tech leaders want to solidify the platforms that will support this innovation and their future. The hyperscalers have certainly taken center stage, but a rising option falls within…