Streamlining SAP Customer Master Records Management
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Key Takeaways
⇨ Integrating SAP ERP customer master information with any third-party software can be challenging.
⇨ Configurable Management's Customer Master Accelerator (CMA) offers a strategic approach to enhancing customer master records management in SAP systems.
⇨ CMA simplifies data governance through remote-enabled functions, multi-language text support, and easy data mapping to custom fields.
A critical task for businesses is managing customer master records in SAP systems for ensuring a seamless and positive customer experience. However, integrating SAP ERP customer master information with any third-party software can be challenging. While SAP provides options, such as Application Link Enabling (ALE) or batch input, these may reduce functionality as integration with Business Application Programming Interface (BAPIs) is available only for companies that use one of SAP’s commerce software solutions like SAP hybris. To address such constraints, many organizations resort to Application Link Enabling (ALE) or batch input, which in turn increase complexities like incomplete master data or unsupported.
Configurable Management‘s Customer Master Accelerator (CMA) is a valuable tool to address such challenges effectively. The solution simplifies data governance through remote-enabled functions, multi-language text support, and easy data mapping to custom fields. This helps businesses to streamline customer master records management, improve data accuracy and enhance operational efficiency.
CMA comprises two remotely accessible SAP function modules. The first module serves as an interface for managing customer business partner data, allowing for actions such as creation, modification, blocking, unblocking, deletion, and credit management. The second module is designed to retrieve customer master information and eliminates the risks associated with traditional methods like ALE or batch input, providing a more reliable and comprehensive approach to customer data management. CMA supports user exits and Business Add-ins, offering enhancement spot options for further customization.
The solution also addresses the difficulties associated with transferring customer master data to and from other software applications, and overcomes the constraints of SAP-provided objects. Facilitating easy exchange of customer master data by integrating with and extending the current system architecture, CMA enhances overall customer experience through a robust interface for customer data management.
Configurable Management’s Customer Master Accelerator offers a strategic approach to enhancing customer master records management in SAP systems. By addressing the limitations of standard SAP-delivered options and providing comprehensive functionality, CMA empowers businesses to optimize their customer data management processes and achieve operational excellence.