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Modernize Accounting & Reporting for LDTI

Reading time: 2 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ The implementation of Long Duration Targeted Improvement (LDTI) accounting standards requires significant changes in how insurers and reinsurers manage long duration contracts, impacting actuarial, finance, and IT teams.

⇨ Leveraging SAP S/4HANA for FPSL can help insurers meet LDTI compliance needs by providing a centralized subledger for efficient accounting and reporting data, along with pre-delivered content for the main LDTI calculations.

⇨ While LDTI compliance remains a complex process, utilizing SAP S/4HANA for FPSL and SAP Analytics Cloud can streamline calculations, ensure regulatory compliance, and provide a more transparent financial reporting process.

Do you need a technology solution for LDTI accounting and reporting requirements? Create automation, transparency, and a clear audit trail with Financial Products Subledger.

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